Krights Video Channel

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Illegal and Immoral

The Road Block To Equal Parenting, Is Exposed.

42/666 is Challenged! Senate Investigations of Child Support Enforcement are warranted, Amnesty Protecting Non Custodial Parents Must Be Given NOW!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work Richar'. I hope that this will make more people aware of the Discrimination and UnConstitutional Acts being committed against us by the same government that was created by "we the people" to protect our civil liberties. People must not wait until they become victims of the machine before defending against this tyranny. Please also remember female predators who pump out illegitimates by multiple unmarried men and who are unable to care for themselves, let alone innocent children. They should be punished- NOT rewarded for this abuse!

Wed Jan 10, 03:34:00 PM 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's soo cool to see so many hitting the nail squarely on the head. I can't wait to see balance??? So many years and so many lives turned upside down. Rewarded corruption breeds more corruption.

Wed Jan 10, 06:48:00 PM 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


THAT is the most exhilarating of all of your online media to date. THIS is key to lodging the legal assaults across America in support of those made into the second class by the words, Non-Custodial Parent, Obligor, Deadbeat-Dad.

This coming February 20th, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, I will be confronting the Oklahoma DHHS inregards to their attempts to enforce said sham support ransom against me, to include about 10 years of retroactive child support, which automatically criminalizes me, ALL void of ANY divorce decree.

I will let you know what happens.

Gregory Romeu

Thu Jan 11, 10:19:00 AM 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Absolutely Remarkable!

Seconding previous comments --
right on point!



Maybe "Truth and Reconciliation Commissions?"

Consider the story of "Red Dust" (e.g.,

revealing difficulties in crappling with outing of tyrants and the abuses of their allegedly "official conduct."

At Amazon website (, a comment of Trinie Dalton expresses that "Red Dust . . . chronicl[es] [official] abuse and corruption in contemporary [society], remind[ing] the viewer that [discriminations] are hardly, if at all, things of the past."

This film, by my understanding, references works of Nelson Mandela -- noted Peace Nobel Prize recipient.

Wikipedia at (

highlights some of his heralded accomplishments such as the "switch in policy to that of reconciliation . . . [which has been credited with] facilitat[ing] a peaceful transition to fully-representative democracy . . . "

"Unconstitutional deal bent bats" must stop. We may achieve sustained American Democracy with Dignity.

It would seem to go without saying that further fueling of the known dynamics of tyranny would ultimately yield effects similar to those of other notably recorded renditions of history.

So it may be of no secret that classical civil society have traditionally recognized their need for and dependency upon the protection, cherishment and responsible handling of the vital constructs, such as those previously recognized by our founders, for the flurishment of great lands.

So too, of the burden presently revealed, we must seek and endeavor a continual righting this delicate vessel of democratic and civil governance.

Just maybe, those who may be intimately familiar with some of "hidden workings within," may wish to come clean. AND, for benefit of all children and future generations, . . . as quickly as possible.

We do need to preserve (and maybe even restore for some) respects for the dignity of all individuals.

We need to preserve important foundations of our heritage -- e.g., even including traditional tenants for Checks and Balances.

I further believe that we can aspire for continual diligence in responsible Guardianship of Liberty.

But with a humbling sadness and by great difficulty, we will need to carefully digest an ever so gradual realization that perhaps "Those" of our entrustments (allegedly "for virtues of children") may already be, and perhaps have/had been, aware of this divisive dilemma.

We already recognize the natural human conditions for defensiveness.

Thus, the reality of the white elephant may not be easily dealt with. Accordingly, further harms may likely be imparted to and even ultimately against the needs of communities and children.

For example, some of us may be seeing (and unfortunately, maybe even too closely the associated pains) classic defensive posturing/reactions of "Those" too well known to us. Such posturing may include, e.g., the likes of "he/she made me do it," or "its the law," or (as we have all similarly become acquainted in international context) even "diversions to alternative explanations of benign social type benefit hype."

So too, we have already discerned the real derailments of "check and balances" and associated follow-on "abuses in powers." In some instanced, these abuses go so far as to ultimately effect results diametrically opposite the "actual intent(s)" (let alone, the actual law) upon which the underlying chartering statutes had been based.

It is now widely postulated by some, that if the "resultant/actual/digressive modernly skewed intents" of the presently unchecked espousements of the entrusted regarding "the law" and its consequent uses could be capable of being made known to the originating lawmakers -- i.e., the original sponsors; that indeed, Past Honorable President Gerald Ford would have most certainly VETOed the launching. Perhaps, even the lawmakers themselves would have shelved this stuff -- "nipped it in the bud."

In so doing, they would most certainly have rendered performance of diligent duties as citizens, officers and trustworthy leaders; just as those of our now modern-day entrustments may similarly endeavor.

Sat Jan 13, 01:30:00 PM 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! At last someone is going to stand up for Dads. You have all my support.

Take care ,

Clive Purt- Australia.

Mon Jan 15, 02:02:00 AM 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Sun Feb 07, 02:34:00 PM 2010  

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