Krights Video Channel

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Welcome to Krights New Video Delivery System. Return here often we promise a lot of exciting things to come.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds great Richar'!

Please keep up the good work, it's a great source of inspiration to so many of us!

Tue Dec 19, 04:49:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi my name is matt I live in Colorado and I'm a victim of child support fraud, I need to reach out to people in my same position, she stopped and started case 4 times, they went back every time, now I'm 17000.00 behind according to the CSE, ive paid for 13years and then became a casualty of this economy, I was laid off, she promised she that she wasn’t going to seek child support, or back support, she told case workers this, I have an email from her proving the promise, I'm going to take her to civil court, but I don’t see that doing any good, because the system can do what it wants, they are turning good dads into criminals and imprisoning us, I have a three yr old son, I have him 50%, his mom is a blessing, she does not want welfare and does not want child support, she just wants me to be in his life, she has seen this tearing me apart over the years, and is a witness to the promise. I have anxiety, depression, from all the threats and jail time from CSE over 17yrs, all because of the corruption in CSE (child support enforcement) I told the case worker that she made this promise, and a week later, the order is in her grandmas name, they are manipulating the system because there is no moral supervision of these people or laws, I will gladly testify on behalf of all fathers, any state, anytime, please reach out and give me some help (randm4evers@msn,com), God Bless you single fathers out there, I hope we can show the world that there is a bad bad evil within the system…

Mon Oct 08, 11:13:00 PM 2012  

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